This is the DOP network. I have added some disturbance to the Pyro and shaped it a bit more, although some more does need to bee done. I have primarily been working on getting the wax to behave correctly. The “gas temperature update” node’s temperature diffusion was not giving me the result i wanted so i made a new temperature diffusion network. I also shaped the temperature field from the Pyro to give me better results.
Temperature Diffusion Method
in the data stream add scalar field “waxtemp“ that is the same size as the Pyro container.
copy flame field to particle attribute “flametemp“
copy “flametemp” to new “temptemp“ field
apply particle “temperature” attribute to “waxtemp”
blur “waxtemp“ field
gas linear combination - “waxtemp“ * .8 + “temptemp” * 4 = new “waxtemp“
geometry wrangle - @temperature += @waxtemp
This is a little sub network i created to visualize fields created in Dops. You can type in a field name in the parameter menu of the sub network and it will change which field it visualizes. Small but very helpful to understand what is going on.