Car Commercial #6


This is the new pebble sim with varying sizes. The image to the left is the point attributes I set on the points. I use the @rand attribute to set the pscale.

I keep the @rand attribute on the sim geometry and then use a sop solver in the dop netwrok to then set the mass using the same rand attribute, meaning smaller the pscale smaller the mass.

this is the vex for the mass attribute :

@mass = fit(@rand,0,1,.25,1);


This is the dop network for the pyro. It is very simple right now as I fell like the tractor beam forces would be fairly smooth for objects so light.I could also have a similar setup to the pebbles and add a ramp and noise to the gas wind which, if I fell it is lacking detail. If I decide to up the resolution of the sim I may add some more higher frequency turbulence within the sim as the force going up is fairly clean right now, as you can see in the video above..

The video above is the first render tests but I really did not like the result, the lift was far to consistent at the start and the there is no noise in the sim. The screen shots below are a new sim that I think I like better more noise and less consistent upwards force.